Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Ah, the second day of december. Oh how excited i am. 24 days till christmas..yay. What do you wish for? Well, in wish for poverty to be no more, wars to end, and Stephen harper to find something other to do than kill Canada. Thanks Santa..
So i though considering it is a new month i night like to write a new blog, and well here it is. I am stuck at home for two days, so be prepared for a series of consecitive blogs.. oh no poblem, really.
I couldn't declare when i sha'll say it is christmas time, considering christmas decoration where in stores, the day after halloween, or maybe the start of december.. but maybe it is outlined by school breaks. I guess the christmas breaks starts the 18-19th? and ends january sometime, so that is definatly the range of christmas, and when it starts and ends.
Snow.. ahh the lovely cold white fluff. Oh how delicate you are, considering you sit outside my window, and mock everyday i can't get out of my driveway. To tell you what i'm doing right now.. well i'm watching " How it's made"- how steel wool is made. Do you know that when the steel is shaved. The shaving are smaller than a piece of human hair? Now who ever said that they don't learn something new everyday. SO! Maybe i should be get going from this blog, i feel like polyvoreing.. here is my latest set..
ya it is a little madonna, but why not throw in some colour really.

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