Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So i found out today, afters weeks of a sore wrist, that i have a ganglion cyst in my wrist, which is litterly a cyst on the bone itself, and it takes up to 6 months to heal and sometimes is needed to get surgically removed, so im pretty much in pain for 6 months and will be applying voltaren to my wrist every hour for the next 184 days. Volteran with happy..


Jenn said...

feel better!

SAM said...

i have a similar thing with my wrist. however the problem with mine is that i curl it under my chin when i go to sleep. so now i have to sleep without my hands underneath my chin. LOL its quite hard.

Lemon! said...

aww i'm sorry . . my mom had a cyst on her wrist too. . . she got surgery for it..but now she has carpal tunnel :/