Monday, July 6, 2009

..whos on top

Jessica Stam looks beautiful in her dress by rodart, the neutral peaches and gold just look amazing, the textures and colours are to die for! Then there is Dakota fanning, she went missing for about a year, and after that year of hibernation she pops out looking stunning, when did she grow up!? I'm very jealous, how come i couldn't hide for a year? Jourdan Dunn is currently one of my favourite models, she is tall and beautiful, she has been seen on the runways in Paris to NYC, she is really hitting it big!


Tracy said...

Seriously, when did Dakota Fanning get so old!! She legit looks older than me and I'm 5 years older than her!

SAM said...

i love jessica stam! shes my fave model. and i agree with tracy, when did Dakota Fanning grow up?

kami said...

she is gorgeous now!